Removing barriers of entry to the weight room: Gym Intimidation An ongoing series (1 of 3)

If you are new to the Gym world and weight lifting, it can be intimidating, uncomfortable and even scary at times.  This is totally normal.

These posts will address the common concerns of clients and try to highlight the facts over fears of weightlifting at Smart Strength.

Gym Intimidation- I can remember vividly the first time I entered the high school weight room as a husky, uncoordinated middle schooler.  In addition to my own uncertainties, I had to face the “cool kids” of the school throwing around iron and looking Fly.  It was extremely uncomfortable and made me so nervous I was sick to my stomach.  I am guessing most of you have had a similar experience somewhere along your fitness journey.

These types of scenarios often act as barriers of entry into the weight room.  We recently conducted a survey of what people do and do not like about working out.

The top 2 things people feared about working out were “working out in front of others” and “feeling judged.”  Simply put, almost everyone has these concerns about the weight room atmosphere.

I have observed from my own personal experiences and at every gym that I have worked, this is a common theme, especially for newcomers to the weight room culture.  That is why when building Smart Strength, I wanted it to be different.  I wanted to eliminate as many barriers of entry as possible for potential clients.

We have created a very intimate setting.  We only offer personal training or small group training sessions as to ensure the most comfortable atmosphere possible for our clients.  Our coaching is the industry leader in being professional, personable, and respectful of each individual client and their abilities.  We are here to help.  We are here to do whatever we possibly can to see that you accomplish your fitness goals.

When I coach a client, I make it my personal responsibility to be as welcoming, understanding, and relatable to them as possible.  I develop strong relationships with clients by working hard to really get to know them.  There is no room for intimidation at Smart Strength, and we work daily to rid anything that might create an intimidating atmosphere to our clients.

If I am ever the source of intimidation, please rest assured I am not meaning to be.  All you have to do is think of that Chubby, uncoordinated middle schooler, and BOOM, intimidated no more 😊  Oh and I also used to rock a Pineapple haircut with 3 inch bangs, so rest assured, no judgement here…

Your Trainer,
